Parsing QBASIC DRAW commands with FParsec (Round II)

03 Apr 2018

(Pro-tip: this article is part of the BGC Rewrite Series)

In the previous article, I discussed using FParsec to directly parse the QBASIC Draw Command string. In this article, I build upon that parser to handle line colours.

This should hopefully be a quick article. If you have no idea what is going on, I encourage you to read the previous article. Otherwise, sit back, relax, and be completely baffled.

Where we left off

Ok ok, I’ll throw you a bone.

A QBASIC Draw Command is a series of small instructions that, for the most part, resemble a cut-down version of the LOGO programming language: the cursor position is moved based on the Draw Move Type, be that Up, Down, Left, Right, Up and Left, etc. with a number specifying how far to move.

Here’s the QBASIC Draw Command text for the a “health box” in the BGC game:

healthbox$ = "C2 BU5 BL5 R10 D10 L10 U10 BF2 BR2 C15 R2 D2 R2 D2 L2 D2 L2 U2 L2 U2 R2 U2"

BGC health box

As stated in the last article, the parser was basically complete except for one caviat: it could not handle C commands. C commands are a special attribute that effect the colour of all proceeding lines created. The numbers 0 to 15 correspond to a colour, with 0 being black and 15 being white. I can’t say that any thought was given to the order of colours. Here is a demo showing the number and colour:

BGC health box

So, for the above health box, the effect of the C attribute is shown

C2 BU5 BL5 R10 D10 L10 U10 BF2 BR2 C15 R2 D2 R2 D2 L2 D2 L2 U2 L2 U2 R2 U2

The colour will remain in effect until it is changed.

How to handle this special command will be the focus of this article.

FParsec User State

There are a few approaches to solving this problem:

  1. Make C commands part of the parsed stream, i.e. just another Draw Command
  2. Make use of FParsec’s user state to keep track of the current colour

The second option is what I tried. It has the advantage of not requiring any additional domain complexity; no extra case to handle it, and no additional post-processing (I’ll get to that in a minute). I should still just get a list of DrawCommands, with the colour already assigned. I just need to add a new field to the DrawCommand structure, called color:

type DrawCommand = {

The first option is definitely easier from a parser implementation perspective – to this point I have never had the need for User State. On top of the DrawCommand struct, I’d need a Discriminated Union to be able to handle the two cases: Colour commands and Move Commands.

Something like this:

type MoveCommand = {

type DrawCommand =
| Color of int
| Move of MoveCommand

DrawCommand becomes a Discriminated Union, and the original DrawCommand record structure becomes MoveCommand.

A common Discriminated Union is needed to allow the parser for C commands and the parser for everything else to match, i.e.

let pDrawColor:Parser<DrawCommand,unit> =
    pstring "C" >>. pint32 |>> (fun c -> Color(c))

let pDrawCommand:Parser<DrawCommand,unit> = pipe2 pMoveType pDrawMove (fun mt dm ->         
    Move({ moveType = mt; direction = dm })

And then you get a list of DrawCommands as usual. The code for translating DrawCommands into a list of X,Y coordinates will need to keep track of the current colour. Something like

  let mutable currentColour = 0;
  let mapCommand command =
    match command with
    | Color(c) -> 
      currentColour <- c
    | Move (m) -> Some { Coordinates = (nextCoord m); color = currentColour }

  |> Seq.choose (mapCommand)
  |> //do something with coordinates

But to me, I already had the structure I wanted, I just needed the color

type DrawCommand = {
     color: int

So I went with the user state option… And proceeded to tear my hair out! There is an example, but by golly it took a number of goes to understand it. But I got there in the end and I hope this article will give you another take on the User State part of FParsec.

Implementing the new Parser

Now first up, I cannot say if this was the best approach. Maybe the other approach using the Discriminated Union is better. More idiomatically functional?

I will also admit I was curious to how User State worked.

So here we go.

The first thing I needed was the User State. I defined a record as recommended by the user guide.

type DrawState = {
    currentColor: int

Above: I am not imaginative when it comes to naming.

The reason for using a Record instead of an object with mutable state, is that you are always creating a new copy of a record when you update user state – therefore if your parser has to backtrack, it is able to easily restore the previous user state. This is akin to Event Sourcing by the way.

The next change was that the existing parser functions I had defined needed to now specify the User State type.

pDrawCommands:Parser<DrawCommand list, DrawState>

Kind of annoying that I had to go and specify the DrawState in every function, but there you go. Probably a hint I should be using type inference.

Now, I needed some way to set and get the user state.

FParsec provides functions if you do not want to work with the lower level CharStream API directly. In my case I wanted

There is also updateUserState although that needs a function that returns a new copy of the user state. I’ll explain the difference in a moment.

let setDrawColor (c:int) =    
    setUserState { currentColor = c }
let pDrawColor:Parser<unit, DrawState> =    
    (pstring "C" >>. pint32) >>= setDrawColor

As mentioned earlier, I could have used updateUserState, this is what it would look like

let setDrawColor (c:int) =   
    updateUserState (fun us -> { us with currentColor = c })

Although I can’t say why you would use one over the other.

Now I could have done without the setDrawColor function, but in this case it just a little neater than using an anonymous function.

So now was the time to test. And it is at this point that I should mention that because I am using User State, I can no longer use the convenience function run for my parser. Instead I now have to use runParserOnString, because we have to specify the initial User State.

> runParserOnString pDrawColor { currentColor = 0} "Test" "C1";;
val it : ParserResult<unit,DrawState> = Success: ()

Hmm. So how do I get that at that state?

> getUserState;;
val it : Parser<'a,'a> = <fun:getUserState@111>

OK, not much help.

run getUserState "blah";;
val it : ParserResult<unit,unit> = Success: ()

At this point I was a little baffled, but I carried on.

The next step was to modify the function for parsing a DrawCommand. Looking at this example, I attempted to do something like

let pDrawCommand:Parser<DrawCommand,DrawState> = pipe2 pMoveType pDrawMove (fun mt dm ->     
    let us = getUserState
    { moveType = mt; direction = dm; color = us.currentColor }

Except that didn’t work. As before, I end up with us being a Parser<'a,'a>, which is of zero help.

Another person had the same question, and the answer given unfortunately still didn’t show how to use the getUserState function, instead using the lower level CharStream<'u> API directly.

I scratched my head until I remembered the pipe3 function. The pipe* functions execute parsers in sequence, and return the results of each parser to a function supplied, for the purpose of calculation.

The pDrawCommand parser used a pipe2 function, so…..

let pDrawCommand:Parser<DrawCommand,DrawState> = pipe3 pMoveType pDrawMove getUserState (fun mt dm us ->         
    { moveType = mt; direction = dm; color = us.currentColor }

The parameter us was indeed a DrawState. This works because getUserState is also a “parser” which happens to return the value “parsed”, in this case, the User State.

Again, I can’t say this is the most elegant solution, but it works. With that particular issue out of the way, the last step was to combine the pDrawColor and pDrawCommand functions.

let pDrawCommands:Parser<DrawCommand list, DrawState> = sepBy (pDrawColor <|> pDrawCommand) (pstring " ")

In my mind, it would try pDrawColor first, and if that failed, then try pDrawCommand. Instead:

error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
but given a
The type 'DrawCommand' does not match the type 'unit'

Of course. All functions combined with <|> have to be the same type.

This particular issue vexxed me for a few weeks.

At first I gave in and decided that I’d just make the pDrawColor function return an invalid value which I would just ignore (a worse strategy than the Discriminated Union version, I will admit)

let setDrawColor (c:int) =    
    setUserState { currentColor = c }
    { moveType = P; direction = D(0); color = 0 }
let pDrawColor:Parser<DrawCommand, DrawState> =
    (pstring "C" >>. pint32) |>> setDrawColor

Instead I was greated with a warning:

warning FS0193: This expression is a function value, i.e. is missing arguments. Its type is Parser<unit,DrawState>.

I was getting a warning for setUserState { currentColor = c } which I did not understand, but I tried to test the function anyway

> runParserOnString pDrawColor { currentColor = 0 } "Test" "C2";;
val it : ParserResult<DrawCommand,DrawState> =
  Success: {moveType = P;
 direction = D 0;
 color = 0;}
> runParserOnString pDrawCommand { currentColor = 0 } "Test" "D1";;
val it : ParserResult<DrawCommand,DrawState> =
  Success: {moveType = P;
 direction = D 1;
 color = 0;}

The user state, as I feared, was not getting updated.

Back to the drawing board.

The problem, it seemed is that the setUserState function was returning a parser of type Parser<unit, DrawState>, when I needed a Parser<DrawCommand, DrawState>. Eventually I gave in and learned about the so called low-level CharStream API. After a bit of stumbling around, I came up with this bit of madness:

let pDrawColor':Parser<DrawCommand, DrawState> =    
    pstring "C" >>. (fun stream ->                
        let mutable digits:string = String.Empty
        while (isDigit (stream.Peek())) do
            digits <- digits + (stream.Read() |> string)

        printfn "digits %s" digits
        let color = digits |> int        
        stream.UserState <- { stream.UserState with currentColor = color }
        Reply({ moveType = DrawMoveType.P; direction = DrawMove.D(0); color = color })        

Above: so much ‘fun’ in F#, according to a friend of mine

What in the universe is going on here?

We’ll start with fun stream: this is effectively an anonymous parser being declared on the spot (I could have defined a specific function, but what do I call it?) stream is a CharStream<DrawState>. I make use of the “low level” functions such as Peek() and Read() to keep reading a character at a time until there are no more digits.

These digits are converted to an int. I then update the UserState with the following

stream.UserState <- { stream.UserState with currentColor = color }

And reply with a useless DrawCommand, which I could filter out later

Reply({ moveType = DrawMoveType.P; direction = DrawMove.D(0); color = color })

And this has the intended effect.

runParserOnString pDrawCommands { currentColor = 0 } "Test" "C2 D1"
val it : ParserResult<DrawCommand list,DrawState> =
  Success: [{moveType = P;
  direction = D 0;
  color = 2;}; {moveType = P;
                direction = D 1;
                color = 2;};]

Now I could have left it at that… But that extra filtering step needed to remove the “false DrawCommand” was bothering me. I researched how to make a parser that would skip over the parsed characters instead of producing a return value, but I could not figure it out.

And then, I realised I had forgotten a few fundamental combiner functions provided by FParsec: .>> and >>.

I can’t remember how I came to that realisation, but I tried the following:

let pDrawCommands:Parser<DrawCommand list, DrawState> = sepBy ((pDrawColor >>. pstring " ") >>. pDrawCommand) (pstring " ")
> runParserOnString pDrawCommands { currentColor = 0 } "Test" "C1 D1";;
digits 1
val it : ParserResult<DrawCommand list,DrawState> =
  Success: [{moveType = P;
  direction = D 1;
  color = 1;}]

Exactly what I was looking for! The false DrawCommand created by the C command was not appearing in the list. If you do not recall, p1 >>. p2 will execute each parsers p1 and p2 in sequence, but discard the result of p1, and p1 .>> p2 will dicard the output of p2.

I hit one more snag when I tried the ultimate example, the health box:

val it : ParserResult<DrawCommand list,DrawState> =
Error in Test: Ln: 1 Col: 8
C2 BU5 BL5 R10 D10 L10 U10 BF2 BR2 C15 R2 D2 R2 D2 L2 D2 L2 U2 L2 U2 R2 U2
Expecting: 'C'

Ah right, it now always expected a colour command to proceed a move command. I remembered there was an optional function, so tried that out:

let pDrawCommands:Parser<DrawCommand list, DrawState> = sepBy ((optional (pDrawColor .>> pstring " ")) >>. pDrawCommand) (pstring " ")
> runParserOnString pDrawCommands { currentColor = 0 } "Test" "C2 BU5 BL5 R10 D10 L10 U10 BF2 BR2 C15 R2 D2 R2 D2 L2 D2 L2 U2 L2 U2 R2 U2";;
digits 2
digits 15
val it : ParserResult<DrawCommand list,DrawState> =
  Success: [{moveType = B;
  direction = U 5;
  color = 2;}; {moveType = B;
                direction = L 5;
                color = 2;}; {moveType = P;
                              direction = R 10;
                              color = 2;}; {moveType = P;
                                            direction = D 10;
                                            color = 2;}; {moveType = P;
                                                          direction = L 10;
                                                          color = 2;};
  ... you get the idea ...

This makes sense because a colour command can optionally preceed every single move command.

I could now simplify the pDrawColor parser like so

let setDrawColor (c:int) =   
    setUserState { currentColor = c }

let pDrawColor:Parser<unit, DrawState> =    
    (pstring "C" >>. pint32) >>= setDrawColor

Overall, I’m pretty happy with this solution.

I was so excited I finally had this working, that I quickly implemented coloured lines in my test line renderer.

…Oh right, I have not even talked about the line renderer!

Anyway, here is output. I have multiplied the size by 10 to make it more visible:

Output from the line renderer after interpreting the QBASIC DRAW string directly

In the next article, I discuss the line renderer. Thanks for reading!